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Homogeneous Linewidth Narrowing of the Charged Exciton via Nuclear Spin Screening in an InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Ensemble

机译:通过核自旋的带电激子的均匀线宽变窄   在Inas / Gaas量子点集合中进行屏蔽



In semiconductor quantum dots, the electron hyperfine interaction with thenuclear spin bath is the leading source of spin decoherence at cryogenictemperature. Using high-resolution two-color differential transmissionspectroscopy, we demonstrate that such electron-nuclear coupling also imposes alower limit for the positively charged exciton dephasing rate, \gamma, in anensemble of InAs/GaAs quantum dots. We find that the dephasing rate issensitive to the strength of the hyperfine interaction, which can be controlledthrough the application of an external magnetic field in the Faradayconfiguration. At zero applied field, strong electron-nuclear coupling inducesadditional dephasing beyond the radiative limit and \gamma = 230 MHz (0.95 \mueV). Screening of the hyperfine interaction is achieved for an external fieldof ~1 T, resulting in \gamma = 172 MHz (0.71 \mu eV) limited only byspontaneous recombination. On the other hand, application of a Voigt magneticfield mixes the spin eigenstates, which increases the dephasing rate by up to75%. These results are reproduced with a simple and intuitive model thatcaptures the essential features of the electron hyperfine interaction and itsinfluence on \gamma.
机译:在半导体量子点中,与核自旋浴的电子超精细相互作用是低温下自旋退相干的主要来源。使用高分辨率的二色差分透射光谱,我们证明了这种电子-核耦合也为InAs / GaAs量子点的集合中的正电荷激子相移速率γ施加了下限。我们发现,移相速率对超精细相互作用的强度敏感,这可以通过在法拉第构型中施加外部磁场来控制。在零外加电场下,强的电子-核耦合引起辐射相移以外的附加相移,γ= 230 MHz(0.95 mueV)。对〜1 T的外部场进行了超精细相互作用的筛选,导致\ gamma = 172 MHz(0.71 \ mu eV)仅受自发重组限制。另一方面,施加Voigt磁场会混合自旋本征态,这将使相移率增加多达75%。用简单直观的模型再现了这些结果,该模型描述了电子超精细相互作用的基本特征及其对\γ的影响。



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